Snapshots of Each Growth Step
Discover what we have been doing from 2013 onwards
Founded in June 6, 2013, Ezer School of Naujan Inc.
(ESNI) began with 14 volunteer workers and a donation of land with two abandoned building structures in the city of Naujan, Oriental Mindoro. There was no electricity and no drinking water. Within the first two weeks, fifty (50) Mangyan children with their tribal elders walked fifteen (15) hours from their village to ESNI to ask for help in providing a better future for their children through free education.
ESNI began,
with reading classes on the floor of one structure building which also served as our sleeping quarters. As word of ESNI spread, interest to partner with us in prayer and support grew allowing us to provide the basic needs of food, water, electricity, student and staff housing and proper classrooms.
Department of Education of the Philippines granted the school permit recognizing Ezer School of Naujan Inc. as an accredited educational institution.
We have grown from 40 to 100 students from K1-K12 with 15 teachers and workers of whom 6 are fulltime and 9 part-time.We also have 3 staff houses, 2 male and female dorms, a cafeteria with a basic kitchen and a mission center for guests.
1 Samuel 2:8
He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. "For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's; on them he has set the world.
(+632) 8724 6801
Mobile Number
(+63917) 7906825